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Thursday, July 06, 2006
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Tuesday, June 13, 2006
PeoplePlication by PeopleNology Anonymous Business Success
Anonymous Business Success
PeopleNology by Gregory Bodenhamer Ph.D. Nollijy University
Seminars - Workbooks - Publications - Classroom - Consulting - White Papers
Translating PeopleNology Techniques
Social and System Motor Freight Trucking Engineering
Write for FREE information;
Culture is a perennial problem in change projects and needs to be carefully understood, especially if there is any expectation or desire to change the culture as a part of the project. Culture includes common values, attitudes and consequent behaviors. It directs how people make decisions and how they react to change. It can also vary within an organization, for example a 'leading edge' attitude may be found in research departments and 'customer first' value in service areas.
There are many areas of preferences that people have that shape cultures. There are, within these, a few which are of particular influence around change.
There are many reasons learn and use peoplenology;
Motivation: The overall subject of what drives us.
Processing: The thinking that leads to action.
Behaviors: That result from our decisions.
Culture: How we socially act together.
Learning Theory: How we get to make sense.
Personality: What makes us who we are.
Power: Our capability to act. Where we get it and how we use it.
Social Research: philosophers, philosophies and the search for meaning.
Stress: What winds us up.
Fear of retribution
Following out of fear is not so much following as being tugged along at the end of a rope.
Blind hope
Here, the follower is desperate for some solution, and what the leader is offering is either the only option they see or the best of a relatively weak set of choices.
Faith in leader
In this situation, the follower is blind to the solution but is following because they have such faith in the leader, they believe that they will, by some magic or genius, provide the answer to the follower's needs.
Intellectual agreement
Here, the follower understands the logic of the argument that the leader is putting forward and hence is following the rationale rather than the leader as a person, who they may respect but are not blindly following.
Buying the vision
When people buy a vision, they are emotionally closing on a view of the future that is appealing to them in some way and pulls them forward.
Followers and Respect
When a person is evaluating a situation and deciding whether to collaborate (and hence become a follower), they judge both the leader and also the solution the leader is offering to determine what action they will take.
Respect for the leader
When the leader is respected, which means they are at the very least trusted and probably liked as well, then this enables the leader to make proposals that followers will take seriously.
Respect for the solution
When the solution is respected, then the respect for the leader is not as important, although if the leader is not respected then the followers may doubt the ability of the leader to make the right choices along the way.
Followers and Trust
People follow those they trust.
Care and concern
We all have a very basic need for safety, which we can get either by taking control ourselves, or, as followers do, ceding this to our leaders.
Passive concern
Leaders make choices that can harm people. If you carefully avoid harming me, then I can trust you.
Active care
Beyond a passive concern is the active care where you may take deliberate action, which you would not otherwise take, to look after and actively care for me.
Leaders need for their followers to trust that they will do as they say they will do.
Keep your promises
A simple rule for leaders is : 'Do what you say'. Keep your promises.
The problem with honesty is that the short-term implications can be bad for leaders.
Tell the whole truth
If you always tell the truth, including the unvarnished whole truth and bad news that others might hide, then I know that when you say something, I have the complete story.
Followers and Liking
If I do not like you, then I will not follow you.
If I judge you to be good, then I know you have similar values to me.
We use external similarity as a short-cut to determine if a person is like us on the inside.
We see ourselves as vulnerable, often with the sense of being a child that we all have to some degree. We see our failings, our limitations, and weaknesses.
Followers and Support
People follow those that help them.
Where the personal goals of the followers are aligned with the direction that the leaders is pointing, then it seems like a good idea to follow the leader, especially if it looks like they will be able to help me get what I want.
I will also follow a person who actively helps me to get what I want.
Followers and Ideas
People will follow an idea, but not constraining objectives, then I may do it, but not in a way that makes me want to follow you.
Objectives as instructions
Objectives are useful in most organizations, of course, but they are often presented as fixed instructions, telling people what to do and how to do it in so much detail that it leaves little to the imagination.
Objectives as ideas
Objectives can be used to motivate and leaders can make effective use of formal systems of objective-setting to provide effective challenge and stimulation that will motivate people not only to do the work but also to follow the leader.
Ideas as inspiration
Inspiration occurs when an idea both aligns with my values and also gives me a sense of possibility, of what is not now but which could be in the future. It might thus change my beliefs and mental models.
Context Analysis
When investigating change it is important to understand the context within which the current situation is operating.
External context
The external context that affects the organization provides the forces to which the business must react and are common root causes of the need for change.
PESTLE forces
The broader business climate includes the external sea in which the business and its competitors must swim and provides the ultimate playing ground.
Market forces
Within the chosen markets, forces as price pressures, competitive shifts, customer demands and so on may be creating business tensions.
Internal context
As well as the external context, there are many contextual factors within organizations that can lead to the need for change.
Driving objectives
Out of the external forces and internal ambitions, business leaders identify the key purposes and objectives that they want to achieve and hence achieve success in the organization.
Organizational alignment
An aligned organization has its processes, technology, reporting structures and individual objectives all aligned with one another.
Organizational capability
As well as alignment, an organization needs its people to be able to complete work given to them.
Leadership is a subject which includes a great deal about changing people's minds, often in fundamental ways.
The nature of leadership can perhaps be best understood by turning the coin over and studying followership.
The Leader-Follower loop
Leaders who want to create true followers do not just stand at the front of the army, yell 'charge' and then run forward.
Followers respond
Followers are seldom blind. They are human.
If the leader does something that concerns them, then they will voice these concerns to one another long before letting the leader know.
Pack response
There may well be some level of pack response from followers.
Leaders adjust
If leaders do not do anything about the situation, then followers, who are volunteers, remember, will abandon in droves.
At some point in the proceedings, the leader notices that followers are not as inclined to follow as they once were.
When the shift in follower behavior is noticed, the next step is to figure out why, and particularly to know whether and how to connect this to the leader's own words or actions, or at least to external events that have shifted the playing field.
When you know where it is going and why it happened, then you can do something about it.
The dance continues
And so the band plays on. It is a closed system, with followers responding to leaders, who themselves adjust in response to this. Leadership and followership is thus an ongoing dance.
Structural Analysis
There are many structures within an organization which influence people's behavior. 'Function follows form' is a relevant saying.
Organizational structure
The hierarchical organization with its 'scalar chain of command' is at the heart of most organizations.
Process structure
People work within processes, which may stretch across functions or be contained within them.
Motivational structure
There are deliberate structures in the organization that seek to motivate people. Typically, this is based on financial reward.
Social structure
Overlaid across the organization is another invisible structure which is made up of the many and complex social relationships across the company.
Physical structure
The physical structure of the organization can have a very significant effect on the social structuring.
Causal Analysis
An excellent question when analyzing around change is 'why?' Causal Analysis seeks to identify and understand the reasons why things are as they are and hence enabling focus of change activity.
Root causes
The basic principle of causal analysis is to find causes that you can treat rather than treating symptoms (which, as all doctors know, seldom effects a lasting cure).
Ask why five times
The trick with seeking root causes is to keep looking. When you ask 'why' of
PeopleNology by Gregory Bodenhamer Ph.D. Nollijy University
Seminars - Workbooks - Publications - Classroom - Consulting - White Papers
Translating PeopleNology Techniques
Social and System Motor Freight Trucking Engineering
Write for FREE information;
Culture is a perennial problem in change projects and needs to be carefully understood, especially if there is any expectation or desire to change the culture as a part of the project. Culture includes common values, attitudes and consequent behaviors. It directs how people make decisions and how they react to change. It can also vary within an organization, for example a 'leading edge' attitude may be found in research departments and 'customer first' value in service areas.
There are many areas of preferences that people have that shape cultures. There are, within these, a few which are of particular influence around change.
There are many reasons learn and use peoplenology;
Motivation: The overall subject of what drives us.
Processing: The thinking that leads to action.
Behaviors: That result from our decisions.
Culture: How we socially act together.
Learning Theory: How we get to make sense.
Personality: What makes us who we are.
Power: Our capability to act. Where we get it and how we use it.
Social Research: philosophers, philosophies and the search for meaning.
Stress: What winds us up.
Fear of retribution
Following out of fear is not so much following as being tugged along at the end of a rope.
Blind hope
Here, the follower is desperate for some solution, and what the leader is offering is either the only option they see or the best of a relatively weak set of choices.
Faith in leader
In this situation, the follower is blind to the solution but is following because they have such faith in the leader, they believe that they will, by some magic or genius, provide the answer to the follower's needs.
Intellectual agreement
Here, the follower understands the logic of the argument that the leader is putting forward and hence is following the rationale rather than the leader as a person, who they may respect but are not blindly following.
Buying the vision
When people buy a vision, they are emotionally closing on a view of the future that is appealing to them in some way and pulls them forward.
Followers and Respect
When a person is evaluating a situation and deciding whether to collaborate (and hence become a follower), they judge both the leader and also the solution the leader is offering to determine what action they will take.
Respect for the leader
When the leader is respected, which means they are at the very least trusted and probably liked as well, then this enables the leader to make proposals that followers will take seriously.
Respect for the solution
When the solution is respected, then the respect for the leader is not as important, although if the leader is not respected then the followers may doubt the ability of the leader to make the right choices along the way.
Followers and Trust
People follow those they trust.
Care and concern
We all have a very basic need for safety, which we can get either by taking control ourselves, or, as followers do, ceding this to our leaders.
Passive concern
Leaders make choices that can harm people. If you carefully avoid harming me, then I can trust you.
Active care
Beyond a passive concern is the active care where you may take deliberate action, which you would not otherwise take, to look after and actively care for me.
Leaders need for their followers to trust that they will do as they say they will do.
Keep your promises
A simple rule for leaders is : 'Do what you say'. Keep your promises.
The problem with honesty is that the short-term implications can be bad for leaders.
Tell the whole truth
If you always tell the truth, including the unvarnished whole truth and bad news that others might hide, then I know that when you say something, I have the complete story.
Followers and Liking
If I do not like you, then I will not follow you.
If I judge you to be good, then I know you have similar values to me.
We use external similarity as a short-cut to determine if a person is like us on the inside.
We see ourselves as vulnerable, often with the sense of being a child that we all have to some degree. We see our failings, our limitations, and weaknesses.
Followers and Support
People follow those that help them.
Where the personal goals of the followers are aligned with the direction that the leaders is pointing, then it seems like a good idea to follow the leader, especially if it looks like they will be able to help me get what I want.
I will also follow a person who actively helps me to get what I want.
Followers and Ideas
People will follow an idea, but not constraining objectives, then I may do it, but not in a way that makes me want to follow you.
Objectives as instructions
Objectives are useful in most organizations, of course, but they are often presented as fixed instructions, telling people what to do and how to do it in so much detail that it leaves little to the imagination.
Objectives as ideas
Objectives can be used to motivate and leaders can make effective use of formal systems of objective-setting to provide effective challenge and stimulation that will motivate people not only to do the work but also to follow the leader.
Ideas as inspiration
Inspiration occurs when an idea both aligns with my values and also gives me a sense of possibility, of what is not now but which could be in the future. It might thus change my beliefs and mental models.
Context Analysis
When investigating change it is important to understand the context within which the current situation is operating.
External context
The external context that affects the organization provides the forces to which the business must react and are common root causes of the need for change.
PESTLE forces
The broader business climate includes the external sea in which the business and its competitors must swim and provides the ultimate playing ground.
Market forces
Within the chosen markets, forces as price pressures, competitive shifts, customer demands and so on may be creating business tensions.
Internal context
As well as the external context, there are many contextual factors within organizations that can lead to the need for change.
Driving objectives
Out of the external forces and internal ambitions, business leaders identify the key purposes and objectives that they want to achieve and hence achieve success in the organization.
Organizational alignment
An aligned organization has its processes, technology, reporting structures and individual objectives all aligned with one another.
Organizational capability
As well as alignment, an organization needs its people to be able to complete work given to them.
Leadership is a subject which includes a great deal about changing people's minds, often in fundamental ways.
The nature of leadership can perhaps be best understood by turning the coin over and studying followership.
The Leader-Follower loop
Leaders who want to create true followers do not just stand at the front of the army, yell 'charge' and then run forward.
Followers respond
Followers are seldom blind. They are human.
If the leader does something that concerns them, then they will voice these concerns to one another long before letting the leader know.
Pack response
There may well be some level of pack response from followers.
Leaders adjust
If leaders do not do anything about the situation, then followers, who are volunteers, remember, will abandon in droves.
At some point in the proceedings, the leader notices that followers are not as inclined to follow as they once were.
When the shift in follower behavior is noticed, the next step is to figure out why, and particularly to know whether and how to connect this to the leader's own words or actions, or at least to external events that have shifted the playing field.
When you know where it is going and why it happened, then you can do something about it.
The dance continues
And so the band plays on. It is a closed system, with followers responding to leaders, who themselves adjust in response to this. Leadership and followership is thus an ongoing dance.
Structural Analysis
There are many structures within an organization which influence people's behavior. 'Function follows form' is a relevant saying.
Organizational structure
The hierarchical organization with its 'scalar chain of command' is at the heart of most organizations.
Process structure
People work within processes, which may stretch across functions or be contained within them.
Motivational structure
There are deliberate structures in the organization that seek to motivate people. Typically, this is based on financial reward.
Social structure
Overlaid across the organization is another invisible structure which is made up of the many and complex social relationships across the company.
Physical structure
The physical structure of the organization can have a very significant effect on the social structuring.
Causal Analysis
An excellent question when analyzing around change is 'why?' Causal Analysis seeks to identify and understand the reasons why things are as they are and hence enabling focus of change activity.
Root causes
The basic principle of causal analysis is to find causes that you can treat rather than treating symptoms (which, as all doctors know, seldom effects a lasting cure).
Ask why five times
The trick with seeking root causes is to keep looking. When you ask 'why' of
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
CDL Truck Driver Recruiting Newsletter FREE by PeopleNology
Motor Freight Transportation Reporting
Gregory Bodenhamer Ph.D. PeopleNology Social Engineering
Motor Freight Transportation - 3rd Party Reporting
Bodenhamer’s PeopleNology
As a professional motor freight transportation expert, Gregory Bodenhamer has the talent, skills and energy to allow the design of service delivery systems that drive quality, productivity and value. His talents are being displayed throughout the transportation L.T.L. and T.L. segment in North America under the name of PeopleNology. This newsletter offers dramatic and completing comments from inside the world of motor freight transportation management. Writers and authors develop original fiction and nonfiction for books, magazines, trade journals, online publications, company newsletters, radio and television broadcasts, motion pictures, and advertisements. His works teach people about people. Changing minds to change the results of the system within compliance, profit, service and revenue growth is the purpose of his teachings.
Greg’s social engineering writing style allows the executive and investor community personnel from entry level to senior levels to carefully monitor the performance of all the people, places and things linked together within the distribution, warehouse, transportation and supply chain system. PeopleNology tells the evolutionary story of the industry and the people inside the machine of movement. Writers and editors have at least a basic familiarity with technology, regularly using personal computers, desktop or electronic publishing systems, scanners, and other electronic communications equipment. Many writers prepare material directly for the Internet. For example, they may write for electronic newspapers or magazines, create short fiction or poetry, or produce technical documentation that is available only online.
Outstanding evolutionary people knowledge and reporting techniques does allow reading groups to be comfortable within his style of reporting on management and also helps them contribute to effective services, compliance, profits and overall revenue growth. Writers—especially of nonfiction—are expected to establish their credibility with editors and readers through strong research and the use of appropriate sources and citations. Sustaining high ethical standards and meeting publication deadlines are essential.
Creative writers, poets, and lyricists, including novelists, playwrights, and screenwriters, create original works—such as prose, poems, plays, and song lyrics—for publication or performance. Some works may be commissioned by a sponsor; others may be written for hire (on the basis of the completion of a draft or an outline).
As his 29 years of trucking demonstrates, over and over again, progressive companies have allowed Greg to introduce quality or process improvement techniques to their organizations in many locations. Organizational, Operational and Personnel performance is the hall-mark of his initiatives that have been clearly identified and communicated by promotions. PeopleNology converts his long history of experiences into easy to read and understand instructions to build better motor freight trucking companies by education, sharing experiences and improving the emotional controls of people. Nonfiction writers either propose a topic or are assigned one, often by an editor or publisher. They gather information about the topic through personal observation, library and Internet research, and interviews. Writers then select the material they want to use, organize it, and use the written word to express ideas and convey information. Newsletter writers produce information for distribution to association memberships, corporate employees, organizational clients, or the public.
Broad-based authority levels ranging from local , regional and national responsibilities that emphasize company and customer value as opposed to merely quality or productivity improvement allows working groups to “buy-in” with their participation within his PeopleNology leadership and process design. Greg has been ranked as being the person that has the initiatives, experiences, education and expressive communication skills, customized to fit within the organizations culture or to change the culture to produce loyalty, satisfaction and value.
Share his vision within content sharing. Get on the request listing today and get PeopleNology inside …
Mechanicsburg Pa 17055 Freelance writers sell their work to publishers, publication enterprises, manufacturing firms, public relations departments, or advertising agencies. Sometimes, they contract with publishers to write a book or an article. Others may be hired to complete specific assignments, such as writing about a new product or technique. PeopleNology for Motor Freight Transportation Management.
Gregory Bodenhamer Ph.D. PeopleNology Social Engineering
Motor Freight Transportation - 3rd Party Reporting
Bodenhamer’s PeopleNology
As a professional motor freight transportation expert, Gregory Bodenhamer has the talent, skills and energy to allow the design of service delivery systems that drive quality, productivity and value. His talents are being displayed throughout the transportation L.T.L. and T.L. segment in North America under the name of PeopleNology. This newsletter offers dramatic and completing comments from inside the world of motor freight transportation management. Writers and authors develop original fiction and nonfiction for books, magazines, trade journals, online publications, company newsletters, radio and television broadcasts, motion pictures, and advertisements. His works teach people about people. Changing minds to change the results of the system within compliance, profit, service and revenue growth is the purpose of his teachings.
Greg’s social engineering writing style allows the executive and investor community personnel from entry level to senior levels to carefully monitor the performance of all the people, places and things linked together within the distribution, warehouse, transportation and supply chain system. PeopleNology tells the evolutionary story of the industry and the people inside the machine of movement. Writers and editors have at least a basic familiarity with technology, regularly using personal computers, desktop or electronic publishing systems, scanners, and other electronic communications equipment. Many writers prepare material directly for the Internet. For example, they may write for electronic newspapers or magazines, create short fiction or poetry, or produce technical documentation that is available only online.
Outstanding evolutionary people knowledge and reporting techniques does allow reading groups to be comfortable within his style of reporting on management and also helps them contribute to effective services, compliance, profits and overall revenue growth. Writers—especially of nonfiction—are expected to establish their credibility with editors and readers through strong research and the use of appropriate sources and citations. Sustaining high ethical standards and meeting publication deadlines are essential.
Creative writers, poets, and lyricists, including novelists, playwrights, and screenwriters, create original works—such as prose, poems, plays, and song lyrics—for publication or performance. Some works may be commissioned by a sponsor; others may be written for hire (on the basis of the completion of a draft or an outline).
As his 29 years of trucking demonstrates, over and over again, progressive companies have allowed Greg to introduce quality or process improvement techniques to their organizations in many locations. Organizational, Operational and Personnel performance is the hall-mark of his initiatives that have been clearly identified and communicated by promotions. PeopleNology converts his long history of experiences into easy to read and understand instructions to build better motor freight trucking companies by education, sharing experiences and improving the emotional controls of people. Nonfiction writers either propose a topic or are assigned one, often by an editor or publisher. They gather information about the topic through personal observation, library and Internet research, and interviews. Writers then select the material they want to use, organize it, and use the written word to express ideas and convey information. Newsletter writers produce information for distribution to association memberships, corporate employees, organizational clients, or the public.
Broad-based authority levels ranging from local , regional and national responsibilities that emphasize company and customer value as opposed to merely quality or productivity improvement allows working groups to “buy-in” with their participation within his PeopleNology leadership and process design. Greg has been ranked as being the person that has the initiatives, experiences, education and expressive communication skills, customized to fit within the organizations culture or to change the culture to produce loyalty, satisfaction and value.
Share his vision within content sharing. Get on the request listing today and get PeopleNology inside …
Mechanicsburg Pa 17055 Freelance writers sell their work to publishers, publication enterprises, manufacturing firms, public relations departments, or advertising agencies. Sometimes, they contract with publishers to write a book or an article. Others may be hired to complete specific assignments, such as writing about a new product or technique. PeopleNology for Motor Freight Transportation Management.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Resume Gregory Bodenhamer
Resume Greg Bodenhamer
Confidential Professional Credentials & Resume
PeopleNology Nollijy
Summary Resume AppraisalEffective Transportation - Logistics
Transportation Management, Consulting
Managing multiple locations, regional and national. Large regional facilities, break-bulks, consolidation centers, distribution points, Managing logistics, tariff and carrier negotiations, pricing and service agreements. Filling capability gaps, aligning organizational structure with strategy. Manage and reduce complexity while managing and reducing overall cost. Synchronizing planning and budgeting with business process. Creating alliances with other group companies to establish appropriate performance and profit system. High quality, people and performance centered management style. Strong skills in processes and systems, education, training and development of working group, goal setting and P-L responsibilities.
Manager, innovative, strong skills, professional style and expert communication ability. Effective professional qualifications to balance, prosper, improve and
profit organizations. Proficient within local, regional and national logistics planning, database management, making the process work, measurement of system and process quality progress. Understanding the quality aspects and successful implementation of strategy and structure to create and manage process controls for life time customer satisfaction. Experienced Motor Freight LTL and TL
York, Pa
General Manager Corporation, Multiple State - National L.T.L. and Truckload Motor
Freight Carrier with physical facilities in York,Pa - Laflin, Pa - Nashville, Tn and Kansas City, Mo. Responsible for all aspects of company. Process engineering, carrier planning, customer relations and services development, change management, compensation, coaching, contracting, culture, personnel management, problem solving, process control engineering, purchasing, quality recruitment and selection, risk-safety, D.O.T. and Osha compliance management,
c.d.l. driver recruiting, retention, rewarding, recognition. High value, service sensitive, national distribution of published materials. Supply chain management, team building, training and education methods, organizational structure, performance Profit & Loss measurement, appraisals. Carrier and vendor negotiations, mentoring, market based research, total quality through supply chain.National Service Area.
Mechanicsburg, Pa
Manager Operations + Company Development & Systems Project Work - Full time - Retained by Owner and Executive management to improve and offer development within this regional truckload carrier. Entire operational group reported to me directly as operations general management. Improved systems and revenue per truck quality. Was also retained to establish a 3rd party logistics company ( as partial owner. Was also given the responsibility to start and sustain a employee development program to grow and support future events and challenges.
Primary Accounts Hershey Chocolate, New World Pasta, ES3, Circuit City, JB Hunt and Kraft Foods both dry and reefer freight. Northeast and Eastern Seaboard Service Area.
Strong operations, sales and employee development skills utilized to better the company position.
Departed the company to create a market based national truckload carrier known as Confidential. Northeast and Eastern Seaboard Service Area.
Middletown, Pa
General Manager Corporation Was retained as Director of Operations and thenpromoted to General Manager of entire fleet workforce including administration, financial, shop,purchasing, sales and marketing, fleet operations, load planning within the market area. PDS is a super regional truck load carrier operating within the Northeast U.S. in a very competitive marketplace. My assignment was to correct cash flow problems, increase overall quality revenue and create profits. Major concerns were overall profitability, employee turnover, CDL truck driver recruiting and retention.
DOT compliance and cash flow requirements. Carrier somewhat merged with Brothers Transportation. Northeast and Eastern Seaboard Service Area.
Camp Hill Pa
Vice President OperationsMy responsibility was to build and sustain profitable logistics operations, assure lifetime customer values, negotiate lower prices within the National Carrier Groups to service our national customer base. I negotiated and successfully implemented 3rd party logistical-broad-based discounts with Overnite Transportation, Roadway Express, Old Dominion, Pjax, Pitt Ohio and Central Transport. Responsible for carrier benchmarking regarding pricing, services, compliance. 3Pl Logistics, contract carriers, sales and marketing, profit and loss responsibilities. Total revenue growth 25 percent overall within time frame and profit margins improved + 15 percent. National Service Area.
Harrisburg PA
Senior Break Bulk Manager Major ltl break-bulk terminal facility in the Northeast loading and receiving shipments to and from 37 other company facilities. Over 32,000 ltl shipments per month. 350 employees + 16 supervisors + 20 mechanics + complete sales department. Created profits and services for the first time in over 26 months. Responsibilities Accomplished - Lead, educate and develop company associates. Provide education and monitor the work associates perform by being accessible to all areas of the dock and inside trailers; trailers at the dock or in the yard. Plan daily manpower needs to ensure customers' freight is delivered and picked-up timely and damage free.
Communicate with dispatch at various terminals and dock associates to
coordinate the movement of trailers and freight. Develop a plan for distributing break loads to achieve cut time goals. Monitor service freight to ensure cut time compliance. Monitor and analyze all opportunities to cut costs and improve efficiencies. Assist customers with rate quotes, claim information and setting appointments. Perform administrative functions such as printing delivery receipts, manifest shipments on a trailer, billing freight bills, trace shipments, etc. Provide clean and safe working condition of the facility and equipment.
Monitor actual performance data and gather information for reporting. Communicate with Account Manager(s) to ensure customers' and company's needs are met. Identify freight moving at incorrect weight and classification. Ensure all OS&D is identified and processed properly. Assist other Supervisors as needed. Conduct pre-shift meetings. Implement company policy. Thorough knowledge of LTL industry, DOT rules and regulations, Proven leadership and interpersonal skills multi tasked oriented.
Confidential Professional Credentials & Resume
PeopleNology Nollijy
Summary Resume AppraisalEffective Transportation - Logistics
Transportation Management, Consulting
Managing multiple locations, regional and national. Large regional facilities, break-bulks, consolidation centers, distribution points, Managing logistics, tariff and carrier negotiations, pricing and service agreements. Filling capability gaps, aligning organizational structure with strategy. Manage and reduce complexity while managing and reducing overall cost. Synchronizing planning and budgeting with business process. Creating alliances with other group companies to establish appropriate performance and profit system. High quality, people and performance centered management style. Strong skills in processes and systems, education, training and development of working group, goal setting and P-L responsibilities.
Manager, innovative, strong skills, professional style and expert communication ability. Effective professional qualifications to balance, prosper, improve and
profit organizations. Proficient within local, regional and national logistics planning, database management, making the process work, measurement of system and process quality progress. Understanding the quality aspects and successful implementation of strategy and structure to create and manage process controls for life time customer satisfaction. Experienced Motor Freight LTL and TL
York, Pa
General Manager Corporation, Multiple State - National L.T.L. and Truckload Motor
Freight Carrier with physical facilities in York,Pa - Laflin, Pa - Nashville, Tn and Kansas City, Mo. Responsible for all aspects of company. Process engineering, carrier planning, customer relations and services development, change management, compensation, coaching, contracting, culture, personnel management, problem solving, process control engineering, purchasing, quality recruitment and selection, risk-safety, D.O.T. and Osha compliance management,
c.d.l. driver recruiting, retention, rewarding, recognition. High value, service sensitive, national distribution of published materials. Supply chain management, team building, training and education methods, organizational structure, performance Profit & Loss measurement, appraisals. Carrier and vendor negotiations, mentoring, market based research, total quality through supply chain.National Service Area.
Mechanicsburg, Pa
Manager Operations + Company Development & Systems Project Work - Full time - Retained by Owner and Executive management to improve and offer development within this regional truckload carrier. Entire operational group reported to me directly as operations general management. Improved systems and revenue per truck quality. Was also retained to establish a 3rd party logistics company ( as partial owner. Was also given the responsibility to start and sustain a employee development program to grow and support future events and challenges.
Primary Accounts Hershey Chocolate, New World Pasta, ES3, Circuit City, JB Hunt and Kraft Foods both dry and reefer freight. Northeast and Eastern Seaboard Service Area.
Strong operations, sales and employee development skills utilized to better the company position.
Departed the company to create a market based national truckload carrier known as Confidential. Northeast and Eastern Seaboard Service Area.
Middletown, Pa
General Manager Corporation Was retained as Director of Operations and thenpromoted to General Manager of entire fleet workforce including administration, financial, shop,purchasing, sales and marketing, fleet operations, load planning within the market area. PDS is a super regional truck load carrier operating within the Northeast U.S. in a very competitive marketplace. My assignment was to correct cash flow problems, increase overall quality revenue and create profits. Major concerns were overall profitability, employee turnover, CDL truck driver recruiting and retention.
DOT compliance and cash flow requirements. Carrier somewhat merged with Brothers Transportation. Northeast and Eastern Seaboard Service Area.
Camp Hill Pa
Vice President OperationsMy responsibility was to build and sustain profitable logistics operations, assure lifetime customer values, negotiate lower prices within the National Carrier Groups to service our national customer base. I negotiated and successfully implemented 3rd party logistical-broad-based discounts with Overnite Transportation, Roadway Express, Old Dominion, Pjax, Pitt Ohio and Central Transport. Responsible for carrier benchmarking regarding pricing, services, compliance. 3Pl Logistics, contract carriers, sales and marketing, profit and loss responsibilities. Total revenue growth 25 percent overall within time frame and profit margins improved + 15 percent. National Service Area.
Harrisburg PA
Senior Break Bulk Manager Major ltl break-bulk terminal facility in the Northeast loading and receiving shipments to and from 37 other company facilities. Over 32,000 ltl shipments per month. 350 employees + 16 supervisors + 20 mechanics + complete sales department. Created profits and services for the first time in over 26 months. Responsibilities Accomplished - Lead, educate and develop company associates. Provide education and monitor the work associates perform by being accessible to all areas of the dock and inside trailers; trailers at the dock or in the yard. Plan daily manpower needs to ensure customers' freight is delivered and picked-up timely and damage free.
Communicate with dispatch at various terminals and dock associates to
coordinate the movement of trailers and freight. Develop a plan for distributing break loads to achieve cut time goals. Monitor service freight to ensure cut time compliance. Monitor and analyze all opportunities to cut costs and improve efficiencies. Assist customers with rate quotes, claim information and setting appointments. Perform administrative functions such as printing delivery receipts, manifest shipments on a trailer, billing freight bills, trace shipments, etc. Provide clean and safe working condition of the facility and equipment.
Monitor actual performance data and gather information for reporting. Communicate with Account Manager(s) to ensure customers' and company's needs are met. Identify freight moving at incorrect weight and classification. Ensure all OS&D is identified and processed properly. Assist other Supervisors as needed. Conduct pre-shift meetings. Implement company policy. Thorough knowledge of LTL industry, DOT rules and regulations, Proven leadership and interpersonal skills multi tasked oriented.
Become Rich,
Gregory Bodenhamer,
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Inkjet Toner Refilling Business,
NDITC New Deal Ink Toner Company,
new deal ink and toner company,
peoplenology women work home violence career income sex seduction bedroom boardroom advice,
Resume Trucking Manager Gregory Bodenhamer Pa
Resume Greg Bodenhamer
Confidential Professional Credentials & Resume
PeopleNology Nollijy
Summary Resume AppraisalEffective Transportation - Logistics
Transportation Management, Consulting
Managing multiple locations, regional and national. Large regional facilities, break-bulks, consolidation centers, distribution points, Managing logistics, tariff and carrier negotiations, pricing and service agreements. Filling capability gaps, aligning organizational structure with strategy. Manage and reduce complexity while managing and reducing overall cost. Synchronizing planning and budgeting with business process. Creating alliances with other group companies to establish appropriate performance and profit system. High quality, people and performance centered management style. Strong skills in processes and systems, education, training and development of working group, goal setting and P-L responsibilities.
Manager, innovative, strong skills, professional style and expert communication ability. Effective professional qualifications to balance, prosper, improve and
profit organizations. Proficient within local, regional and national logistics planning, database management, making the process work, measurement of system and process quality progress. Understanding the quality aspects and successful implementation of strategy and structure to create and manage process controls for life time customer satisfaction. Experienced Motor Freight LTL and TL
York, Pa
General Manager Corporation, Multiple State - National L.T.L. and Truckload Motor
Freight Carrier with physical facilities in York,Pa - Laflin, Pa - Nashville, Tn and Kansas City, Mo. Responsible for all aspects of company. Process engineering, carrier planning, customer relations and services development, change management, compensation, coaching, contracting, culture, personnel management, problem solving, process control engineering, purchasing, quality recruitment and selection, risk-safety, D.O.T. and Osha compliance management,
c.d.l. driver recruiting, retention, rewarding, recognition. High value, service sensitive, national distribution of published materials. Supply chain management, team building, training and education methods, organizational structure, performance Profit & Loss measurement, appraisals. Carrier and vendor negotiations, mentoring, market based research, total quality through supply chain.National Service Area.
Mechanicsburg, Pa
Manager Operations + Company Development & Systems Project Work - Full time - Retained by Owner and Executive management to improve and offer development within this regional truckload carrier. Entire operational group reported to me directly as operations general management. Improved systems and revenue per truck quality. Was also retained to establish a 3rd party logistics company ( as partial owner. Was also given the responsibility to start and sustain a employee development program to grow and support future events and challenges.
Primary Accounts Hershey Chocolate, New World Pasta, ES3, Circuit City, JB Hunt and Kraft Foods both dry and reefer freight. Northeast and Eastern Seaboard Service Area.
Strong operations, sales and employee development skills utilized to better the company position.
Departed the company to create a market based national truckload carrier known as Confidential. Northeast and Eastern Seaboard Service Area.
Middletown, Pa
General Manager Corporation Was retained as Director of Operations and thenpromoted to General Manager of entire fleet workforce including administration, financial, shop,purchasing, sales and marketing, fleet operations, load planning within the market area. PDS is a super regional truck load carrier operating within the Northeast U.S. in a very competitive marketplace. My assignment was to correct cash flow problems, increase overall quality revenue and create profits. Major concerns were overall profitability, employee turnover, CDL truck driver recruiting and retention.
DOT compliance and cash flow requirements. Carrier somewhat merged with Brothers Transportation. Northeast and Eastern Seaboard Service Area.
Camp Hill Pa
Vice President OperationsMy responsibility was to build and sustain profitable logistics operations, assure lifetime customer values, negotiate lower prices within the National Carrier Groups to service our national customer base. I negotiated and successfully implemented 3rd party logistical-broad-based discounts with Overnite Transportation, Roadway Express, Old Dominion, Pjax, Pitt Ohio and Central Transport. Responsible for carrier benchmarking regarding pricing, services, compliance. 3Pl Logistics, contract carriers, sales and marketing, profit and loss responsibilities. Total revenue growth 25 percent overall within time frame and profit margins improved + 15 percent. National Service Area.
Harrisburg PA
Senior Break Bulk Manager Major ltl break-bulk terminal facility in the Northeast loading and receiving shipments to and from 37 other company facilities. Over 32,000 ltl shipments per month. 350 employees + 16 supervisors + 20 mechanics + complete sales department. Created profits and services for the first time in over 26 months. Responsibilities Accomplished - Lead, educate and develop company associates. Provide education and monitor the work associates perform by being accessible to all areas of the dock and inside trailers; trailers at the dock or in the yard. Plan daily manpower needs to ensure customers' freight is delivered and picked-up timely and damage free.
Communicate with dispatch at various terminals and dock associates to
coordinate the movement of trailers and freight. Develop a plan for distributing break loads to achieve cut time goals. Monitor service freight to ensure cut time compliance. Monitor and analyze all opportunities to cut costs and improve efficiencies. Assist customers with rate quotes, claim information and setting appointments. Perform administrative functions such as printing delivery receipts, manifest shipments on a trailer, billing freight bills, trace shipments, etc. Provide clean and safe working condition of the facility and equipment.
Monitor actual performance data and gather information for reporting. Communicate with Account Manager(s) to ensure customers' and company's needs are met. Identify freight moving at incorrect weight and classification. Ensure all OS&D is identified and processed properly. Assist other Supervisors as needed. Conduct pre-shift meetings. Implement company policy. Thorough knowledge of LTL industry, DOT rules and regulations, Proven leadership and interpersonal skills multi tasked oriented.
Confidential Professional Credentials & Resume
PeopleNology Nollijy
Summary Resume AppraisalEffective Transportation - Logistics
Transportation Management, Consulting
Managing multiple locations, regional and national. Large regional facilities, break-bulks, consolidation centers, distribution points, Managing logistics, tariff and carrier negotiations, pricing and service agreements. Filling capability gaps, aligning organizational structure with strategy. Manage and reduce complexity while managing and reducing overall cost. Synchronizing planning and budgeting with business process. Creating alliances with other group companies to establish appropriate performance and profit system. High quality, people and performance centered management style. Strong skills in processes and systems, education, training and development of working group, goal setting and P-L responsibilities.
Manager, innovative, strong skills, professional style and expert communication ability. Effective professional qualifications to balance, prosper, improve and
profit organizations. Proficient within local, regional and national logistics planning, database management, making the process work, measurement of system and process quality progress. Understanding the quality aspects and successful implementation of strategy and structure to create and manage process controls for life time customer satisfaction. Experienced Motor Freight LTL and TL
York, Pa
General Manager Corporation, Multiple State - National L.T.L. and Truckload Motor
Freight Carrier with physical facilities in York,Pa - Laflin, Pa - Nashville, Tn and Kansas City, Mo. Responsible for all aspects of company. Process engineering, carrier planning, customer relations and services development, change management, compensation, coaching, contracting, culture, personnel management, problem solving, process control engineering, purchasing, quality recruitment and selection, risk-safety, D.O.T. and Osha compliance management,
c.d.l. driver recruiting, retention, rewarding, recognition. High value, service sensitive, national distribution of published materials. Supply chain management, team building, training and education methods, organizational structure, performance Profit & Loss measurement, appraisals. Carrier and vendor negotiations, mentoring, market based research, total quality through supply chain.National Service Area.
Mechanicsburg, Pa
Manager Operations + Company Development & Systems Project Work - Full time - Retained by Owner and Executive management to improve and offer development within this regional truckload carrier. Entire operational group reported to me directly as operations general management. Improved systems and revenue per truck quality. Was also retained to establish a 3rd party logistics company ( as partial owner. Was also given the responsibility to start and sustain a employee development program to grow and support future events and challenges.
Primary Accounts Hershey Chocolate, New World Pasta, ES3, Circuit City, JB Hunt and Kraft Foods both dry and reefer freight. Northeast and Eastern Seaboard Service Area.
Strong operations, sales and employee development skills utilized to better the company position.
Departed the company to create a market based national truckload carrier known as Confidential. Northeast and Eastern Seaboard Service Area.
Middletown, Pa
General Manager Corporation Was retained as Director of Operations and thenpromoted to General Manager of entire fleet workforce including administration, financial, shop,purchasing, sales and marketing, fleet operations, load planning within the market area. PDS is a super regional truck load carrier operating within the Northeast U.S. in a very competitive marketplace. My assignment was to correct cash flow problems, increase overall quality revenue and create profits. Major concerns were overall profitability, employee turnover, CDL truck driver recruiting and retention.
DOT compliance and cash flow requirements. Carrier somewhat merged with Brothers Transportation. Northeast and Eastern Seaboard Service Area.
Camp Hill Pa
Vice President OperationsMy responsibility was to build and sustain profitable logistics operations, assure lifetime customer values, negotiate lower prices within the National Carrier Groups to service our national customer base. I negotiated and successfully implemented 3rd party logistical-broad-based discounts with Overnite Transportation, Roadway Express, Old Dominion, Pjax, Pitt Ohio and Central Transport. Responsible for carrier benchmarking regarding pricing, services, compliance. 3Pl Logistics, contract carriers, sales and marketing, profit and loss responsibilities. Total revenue growth 25 percent overall within time frame and profit margins improved + 15 percent. National Service Area.
Harrisburg PA
Senior Break Bulk Manager Major ltl break-bulk terminal facility in the Northeast loading and receiving shipments to and from 37 other company facilities. Over 32,000 ltl shipments per month. 350 employees + 16 supervisors + 20 mechanics + complete sales department. Created profits and services for the first time in over 26 months. Responsibilities Accomplished - Lead, educate and develop company associates. Provide education and monitor the work associates perform by being accessible to all areas of the dock and inside trailers; trailers at the dock or in the yard. Plan daily manpower needs to ensure customers' freight is delivered and picked-up timely and damage free.
Communicate with dispatch at various terminals and dock associates to
coordinate the movement of trailers and freight. Develop a plan for distributing break loads to achieve cut time goals. Monitor service freight to ensure cut time compliance. Monitor and analyze all opportunities to cut costs and improve efficiencies. Assist customers with rate quotes, claim information and setting appointments. Perform administrative functions such as printing delivery receipts, manifest shipments on a trailer, billing freight bills, trace shipments, etc. Provide clean and safe working condition of the facility and equipment.
Monitor actual performance data and gather information for reporting. Communicate with Account Manager(s) to ensure customers' and company's needs are met. Identify freight moving at incorrect weight and classification. Ensure all OS&D is identified and processed properly. Assist other Supervisors as needed. Conduct pre-shift meetings. Implement company policy. Thorough knowledge of LTL industry, DOT rules and regulations, Proven leadership and interpersonal skills multi tasked oriented.
Become Rich,
Gregory Bodenhamer,
hewlett packard canon epson lexmark brother dell ink printer cartridges wholesale,
Inkjet Toner Refilling Business,
NDITC New Deal Ink Toner Company,
new deal ink and toner company,
peoplenology women work home violence career income sex seduction bedroom boardroom advice,
Resume Greg Bodenhamer Mechanicsburg Pa 17055
Resume Greg Bodenhamer
Confidential Professional Credentials & Resume
PeopleNology Nollijy
Summary Resume AppraisalEffective Transportation - Logistics
Transportation Management, Consulting
Managing multiple locations, regional and national. Large regional facilities, break-bulks, consolidation centers, distribution points, Managing logistics, tariff and carrier negotiations, pricing and service agreements. Filling capability gaps, aligning organizational structure with strategy. Manage and reduce complexity while managing and reducing overall cost. Synchronizing planning and budgeting with business process. Creating alliances with other group companies to establish appropriate performance and profit system. High quality, people and performance centered management style. Strong skills in processes and systems, education, training and development of working group, goal setting and P-L responsibilities.
Manager, innovative, strong skills, professional style and expert communication ability. Effective professional qualifications to balance, prosper, improve and
profit organizations. Proficient within local, regional and national logistics planning, database management, making the process work, measurement of system and process quality progress. Understanding the quality aspects and successful implementation of strategy and structure to create and manage process controls for life time customer satisfaction. Experienced Motor Freight LTL and TL
York, Pa
General Manager Corporation, Multiple State - National L.T.L. and Truckload Motor
Freight Carrier with physical facilities in York,Pa - Laflin, Pa - Nashville, Tn and Kansas City, Mo. Responsible for all aspects of company. Process engineering, carrier planning, customer relations and services development, change management, compensation, coaching, contracting, culture, personnel management, problem solving, process control engineering, purchasing, quality recruitment and selection, risk-safety, D.O.T. and Osha compliance management,
c.d.l. driver recruiting, retention, rewarding, recognition. High value, service sensitive, national distribution of published materials. Supply chain management, team building, training and education methods, organizational structure, performance Profit & Loss measurement, appraisals. Carrier and vendor negotiations, mentoring, market based research, total quality through supply chain.National Service Area.
Mechanicsburg, Pa
Manager Operations + Company Development & Systems Project Work - Full time - Retained by Owner and Executive management to improve and offer development within this regional truckload carrier. Entire operational group reported to me directly as operations general management. Improved systems and revenue per truck quality. Was also retained to establish a 3rd party logistics company ( as partial owner. Was also given the responsibility to start and sustain a employee development program to grow and support future events and challenges.
Primary Accounts Hershey Chocolate, New World Pasta, ES3, Circuit City, JB Hunt and Kraft Foods both dry and reefer freight. Northeast and Eastern Seaboard Service Area.
Strong operations, sales and employee development skills utilized to better the company position.
Departed the company to create a market based national truckload carrier known as Confidential. Northeast and Eastern Seaboard Service Area.
Middletown, Pa
General Manager Corporation Was retained as Director of Operations and thenpromoted to General Manager of entire fleet workforce including administration, financial, shop,purchasing, sales and marketing, fleet operations, load planning within the market area. PDS is a super regional truck load carrier operating within the Northeast U.S. in a very competitive marketplace. My assignment was to correct cash flow problems, increase overall quality revenue and create profits. Major concerns were overall profitability, employee turnover, CDL truck driver recruiting and retention.
DOT compliance and cash flow requirements. Carrier somewhat merged with Brothers Transportation. Northeast and Eastern Seaboard Service Area.
Camp Hill Pa
Vice President OperationsMy responsibility was to build and sustain profitable logistics operations, assure lifetime customer values, negotiate lower prices within the National Carrier Groups to service our national customer base. I negotiated and successfully implemented 3rd party logistical-broad-based discounts with Overnite Transportation, Roadway Express, Old Dominion, Pjax, Pitt Ohio and Central Transport. Responsible for carrier benchmarking regarding pricing, services, compliance. 3Pl Logistics, contract carriers, sales and marketing, profit and loss responsibilities. Total revenue growth 25 percent overall within time frame and profit margins improved + 15 percent. National Service Area.
Harrisburg PA
Senior Break Bulk Manager Major ltl break-bulk terminal facility in the Northeast loading and receiving shipments to and from 37 other company facilities. Over 32,000 ltl shipments per month. 350 employees + 16 supervisors + 20 mechanics + complete sales department. Created profits and services for the first time in over 26 months. Responsibilities Accomplished - Lead, educate and develop company associates. Provide education and monitor the work associates perform by being accessible to all areas of the dock and inside trailers; trailers at the dock or in the yard. Plan daily manpower needs to ensure customers' freight is delivered and picked-up timely and damage free.
Communicate with dispatch at various terminals and dock associates to
coordinate the movement of trailers and freight. Develop a plan for distributing break loads to achieve cut time goals. Monitor service freight to ensure cut time compliance. Monitor and analyze all opportunities to cut costs and improve efficiencies. Assist customers with rate quotes, claim information and setting appointments. Perform administrative functions such as printing delivery receipts, manifest shipments on a trailer, billing freight bills, trace shipments, etc. Provide clean and safe working condition of the facility and equipment.
Monitor actual performance data and gather information for reporting. Communicate with Account Manager(s) to ensure customers' and company's needs are met. Identify freight moving at incorrect weight and classification. Ensure all OS&D is identified and processed properly. Assist other Supervisors as needed. Conduct pre-shift meetings. Implement company policy. Thorough knowledge of LTL industry, DOT rules and regulations, Proven leadership and interpersonal skills multi tasked oriented.
Confidential Professional Credentials & Resume
PeopleNology Nollijy
Summary Resume AppraisalEffective Transportation - Logistics
Transportation Management, Consulting
Managing multiple locations, regional and national. Large regional facilities, break-bulks, consolidation centers, distribution points, Managing logistics, tariff and carrier negotiations, pricing and service agreements. Filling capability gaps, aligning organizational structure with strategy. Manage and reduce complexity while managing and reducing overall cost. Synchronizing planning and budgeting with business process. Creating alliances with other group companies to establish appropriate performance and profit system. High quality, people and performance centered management style. Strong skills in processes and systems, education, training and development of working group, goal setting and P-L responsibilities.
Manager, innovative, strong skills, professional style and expert communication ability. Effective professional qualifications to balance, prosper, improve and
profit organizations. Proficient within local, regional and national logistics planning, database management, making the process work, measurement of system and process quality progress. Understanding the quality aspects and successful implementation of strategy and structure to create and manage process controls for life time customer satisfaction. Experienced Motor Freight LTL and TL
York, Pa
General Manager Corporation, Multiple State - National L.T.L. and Truckload Motor
Freight Carrier with physical facilities in York,Pa - Laflin, Pa - Nashville, Tn and Kansas City, Mo. Responsible for all aspects of company. Process engineering, carrier planning, customer relations and services development, change management, compensation, coaching, contracting, culture, personnel management, problem solving, process control engineering, purchasing, quality recruitment and selection, risk-safety, D.O.T. and Osha compliance management,
c.d.l. driver recruiting, retention, rewarding, recognition. High value, service sensitive, national distribution of published materials. Supply chain management, team building, training and education methods, organizational structure, performance Profit & Loss measurement, appraisals. Carrier and vendor negotiations, mentoring, market based research, total quality through supply chain.National Service Area.
Mechanicsburg, Pa
Manager Operations + Company Development & Systems Project Work - Full time - Retained by Owner and Executive management to improve and offer development within this regional truckload carrier. Entire operational group reported to me directly as operations general management. Improved systems and revenue per truck quality. Was also retained to establish a 3rd party logistics company ( as partial owner. Was also given the responsibility to start and sustain a employee development program to grow and support future events and challenges.
Primary Accounts Hershey Chocolate, New World Pasta, ES3, Circuit City, JB Hunt and Kraft Foods both dry and reefer freight. Northeast and Eastern Seaboard Service Area.
Strong operations, sales and employee development skills utilized to better the company position.
Departed the company to create a market based national truckload carrier known as Confidential. Northeast and Eastern Seaboard Service Area.
Middletown, Pa
General Manager Corporation Was retained as Director of Operations and thenpromoted to General Manager of entire fleet workforce including administration, financial, shop,purchasing, sales and marketing, fleet operations, load planning within the market area. PDS is a super regional truck load carrier operating within the Northeast U.S. in a very competitive marketplace. My assignment was to correct cash flow problems, increase overall quality revenue and create profits. Major concerns were overall profitability, employee turnover, CDL truck driver recruiting and retention.
DOT compliance and cash flow requirements. Carrier somewhat merged with Brothers Transportation. Northeast and Eastern Seaboard Service Area.
Camp Hill Pa
Vice President OperationsMy responsibility was to build and sustain profitable logistics operations, assure lifetime customer values, negotiate lower prices within the National Carrier Groups to service our national customer base. I negotiated and successfully implemented 3rd party logistical-broad-based discounts with Overnite Transportation, Roadway Express, Old Dominion, Pjax, Pitt Ohio and Central Transport. Responsible for carrier benchmarking regarding pricing, services, compliance. 3Pl Logistics, contract carriers, sales and marketing, profit and loss responsibilities. Total revenue growth 25 percent overall within time frame and profit margins improved + 15 percent. National Service Area.
Harrisburg PA
Senior Break Bulk Manager Major ltl break-bulk terminal facility in the Northeast loading and receiving shipments to and from 37 other company facilities. Over 32,000 ltl shipments per month. 350 employees + 16 supervisors + 20 mechanics + complete sales department. Created profits and services for the first time in over 26 months. Responsibilities Accomplished - Lead, educate and develop company associates. Provide education and monitor the work associates perform by being accessible to all areas of the dock and inside trailers; trailers at the dock or in the yard. Plan daily manpower needs to ensure customers' freight is delivered and picked-up timely and damage free.
Communicate with dispatch at various terminals and dock associates to
coordinate the movement of trailers and freight. Develop a plan for distributing break loads to achieve cut time goals. Monitor service freight to ensure cut time compliance. Monitor and analyze all opportunities to cut costs and improve efficiencies. Assist customers with rate quotes, claim information and setting appointments. Perform administrative functions such as printing delivery receipts, manifest shipments on a trailer, billing freight bills, trace shipments, etc. Provide clean and safe working condition of the facility and equipment.
Monitor actual performance data and gather information for reporting. Communicate with Account Manager(s) to ensure customers' and company's needs are met. Identify freight moving at incorrect weight and classification. Ensure all OS&D is identified and processed properly. Assist other Supervisors as needed. Conduct pre-shift meetings. Implement company policy. Thorough knowledge of LTL industry, DOT rules and regulations, Proven leadership and interpersonal skills multi tasked oriented.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
PeopleNology University for LeftOvers Focus on People Bodenhamer
Uncensored Anonymous Knowledge for Lovers Nollijy
PeopleNology Greg Bodenhamer Ph.D. Nollijy University Uncensored Anonymous and ression proof knowledge for Motor Freight Trucking Segment
we will not share your email address - peoplenology greg bodenhamer mechanicsburg pa 17055 peoplenology nollijy for motor freight transportation management - trucking - truck driver recruiting retention rewarding expert programs national systems ea
Freight Transportation Management - Trucking - Truck Driver Recruiting Retention Rewarding Expert Programs National Systems Easy to Understand Process
We Will NOT Share Your Email Address - PeopleNology Greg Bodenhamer Mechanicsburg Pa 17055 PeopleNology Nollijy for Motor Freight Transportation Management - Trucking - Truck Driver Recruiting Retention Rewarding Expert Programs National Systems Easy to Understand Process Affordable Quality GB091856A Consulting Seminars Newsletters Books Workshops Executive Instruction Teaching Education ltl tl railroad logistics 3rd party Back In Control Recruiting Retention Commercial Motor Freight Truck Drivers CDL Start Your Own Business EBRA Game EBRAGB091856A All Rights Reserved. EBRA Truck Stop Game Subject to Rules. NO Recruiter will Contact You, Just find Ebra.
Christian Bodenhamer was born in Germany in 1725, immigrated (in 1749?), and settled in 1774 in the Abbotts Creek community of Rowan County NC, in what later became Davidson County.
Motor Freight Manager Secrets PeopleNology Greg Bodenhamers PeopleNology brings about people knowledge that you have never experienced. This lifes work by our founder brings many surprises to even the experts - Mechanicsburg Pa 17055
Nollijy Secrets of Greater Minds for Profit Gregory Bodenhamer, published author and Founder of PeopleNology and Nollijy is considered Expert in Evolutionary Knowledge revealed for business profits - Mechanicsburg Pa
2006-05-16 09:49:19 PeopleNology for Motor Freight Recruiting
Force Your Trucking Back In Control Greg Bodenhamer
Back In Control Sucks In Drivers by the Thousands
I walked to the edge of the valley dear, all the secrets held in my mind,
The GoodLife Back in Control Greg Bodenhamer
PHD Gregory L Bodenhamer Finds Glory in The Wrong Trucking Company
PeopleNology and Nollijy Combine to Find Gold At Your Trucking Company Love Lust Caring All Rolled Up inside
Debra must change her plan in trucking, motor carrier transportation management does not allow the use of other people without labor laws honored
knocking or pounding on the door would open it. But once you have the key, it takes little effort to open the door. Actually, you do have the key - it
Nollijy for Friends and Lovers PeopleNology for Trucking
Top secret - Classified - Hush-hush - Restricted PeopleNology for Business, Nollijy for Friends, Gregory L Bodenhamer Mechanicsburg Pa 17055 The absol
PeopleNology Nollijy punishment.rejected at what gets seen as unfair punishment. Greg Bodenhamer Mechanicsburg Pa
They generally have a passion and desire to succeed in order to gain either specific rewards or general recognition. Greg Bodenhamer Mechanicsburg Pa
As this outer ring gets bigger and bigger you move away from the instinctive you and keep growing. This is where you may become fearful, afraid of ch
Ebra Shade The Cave Women Inside Your Bedroom,Boardroo
How to Win the Boss, the Job, the Girl and the Money
Stages of PeopleNology and Nollijy
News for Driver Recruiters PeopleNology Nollijy
find more drivers than ticks on a pigs as....
The Exotic Motherhood of Ebra and Her Shamless Struggle in Trucking
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The American Ebra Story Sex Sex Sex Cave Woman in your Boardroom
Ebra Writes About Sex With You - Got Pictures
Greg Bodenhamer Americas first PeopleNologists Tells 75 Secrets
Find PeopleNology EBRA she is a Truck Driver Lady with Really BIG Boo and She Likes Truck Drivers that will pull over and place .. her load.. mouth..
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Debbie and Greg spotted EBRA one day but she got away.. PeopleNology Clue sets them free..send email
GET in her FACE EBRAGB091856A might be the best truck driver on the west coast PeopleNology GREG Bodenhamer says find her, keep her, write him for som
Want some EBRA Nude Naked Photograps? PeopleNology has the clues, Bodenhamer Nollijy
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EBRA Peoplenology Nollijy Greg Bodenhamer Mechanicsubrg Pa EBRAGB091856A is the Only Truck Driver Game that Keeps EBRA
EBRA Is the Name of a Woman, within the transportation segment, maybe working for Nasa or even a truck stop, Peoplenology back in control gregory l bo
EBRAGB091856A is the Code word for the PeopleNology Truck Driver Game - Ebra is a naked woman standing in the grass, looking over a pile of trash, nex
EBRAGB091856a PeopleNology Nollijy for Motor Freight Managers
PeopleNology Nollijy EBRA Gossip
How to Fix a Trucking Company PeopleNology Nollijy EBRA
Finding EBRAGB091856a within a trucking company or truck stop is easier than you think PeopleNology Nollijy Bodenhamer
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Get Your Trucking Company Into Big Profits Gregory Bodenhamer Peoplenology
Peoplenology Great people leave your company and the ones that stay complain and protest. Youre missing the truth about people.
75 Big Steps to PeopleNology Freedom
PeopleNology FREE Book
Recruiting and Retention for Motor Freight Truck Drivers , PeopleNology
PeopleNology American Update Bodenhamer
PeopleNology Greg Bodenhamer Ph.D. Nollijy University Uncensored Anonymous and ression proof knowledge for Motor Freight Trucking Segment
LeftOvers by PeopleNology Ph.D. Gregory Bodenhamer
Previous posts Peoplenology Greg Bodenhamer
Freight Transportation Management - Trucking - Truck Driver Recruiting Retention Rewarding Expert Programs National Systems Easy to Understand Process
Archives Nollijy Peoplenology
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
EBRA EBRAGB091856A Find This Naked Woman EBRA PeopleNology Greg Bodenhamer Mechanicsburg Pa Truck Stop Game
Echoes Box up Rant and rave As rumor has it
Every Truck Driver is Playing the EBRA Truck Stop Game. Ebra is a woman and you’ll be amazed once you find her, if you can?
PeopleNology for Business founder Gregory Bodenhamer - Back in Control is the Founder of Ebra. Telling her story gives every truck driver the clues needed to find her. Send a message today and in the subject line just put EBRA,
You’ll receive FREE Forever
the Clues-Letter Peoplenology
Search the Internet Google Msn Ebay Yahoo and look for EBRA clues. Ebra is a person, she is waiting to be found, maybe in a truck stop, maybe at a shipper or consignee. Only a real truck driver can find her. As You Play you also learn the exciting 75 secrets of your mind and every other human being. How to get the girl, How to get the man, How to make money, How to get the car, What makes Ebra go and stop, What makes her cry and worship, Why Ebra steals, Why she learns. You’ll learn more than you can imagine and its all free. Bedrock sex knowledge, Bedroom facts and Boardroom madness is all revealed for the smarter you. Find Ebra.
Ebra Game EBRAGB091856A
Learn the Secrets of the Mind, Find Ebra Today and Win Her Heart…What the twentieth century never counted on was the thousands of evolutionary drivers or evolutionary triggers that control every human being walking on earth today. Your company is made up of human beings so take the time to discover the amazing potential inside your company. PeopleNology for Business, Nollijy for Friends.
Where is she? Ebra Game!
If you can find her, you can have her?
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Motor Freight Transportation Management
Survival - Stability - Success - Significance
PeopleNology Clues for Drivers
White Paper Ebra
Become a PeopleNologist Today - Weekly Knowledge Delivered - Every Employee Everywhere
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You’re the Leader of the Company,
the leader of the followers.
Top secret - Classified - Hush-hush - Restricted
Peoplenology for Business
Nollijy for Lovers
Gregory Bodenhamer Mechanicsburg Pa 17055
The absolute information you need to build and sustain your trucking company is now in your hands.
Get The Girl,
Get The Job,
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Bedrock facts,
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Boardroom magic
Greg Bodenhamer GB091856a
Send email for FREE EBRA Clue information
Based on the short story by Pulitzer Prize-winning author E. Annie Proulx, BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN is the tragic and moving story of two cowboys who unexpectedly fall in love while working together one summer in 1963. When the film begins, rodeo cowboy Jack Twist (Jake Gyllenhaal) and ranch-hand Ennis Del Mar (Heath Ledger) are strangers meeting for the first time. As the more outgoing one, it is Jack who must initiate a friendship with Ennis, a man so tight-lipped and self-consciously macho he refuses all facial expression. From this strained beginning, Jack and Ennis gradually begin to bond on cold, lonely nights over a fire in the mountains of Signal, Wyoming.
Gregory L Bodenhamer’s
Foundation of Nollijy America
We Will NOT Share Your Email Address - PeopleNology Greg Bodenhamer Mechanicsburg Pa 17055 PeopleNology Nollijy for Motor Freight Transportation Management - Trucking - Truck Driver Recruiting Retention Rewarding Expert Programs National Systems Easy to Understand Process Affordable Quality GB091856A Consulting Seminars Newsletters Books Workshops Executive Instruction Teaching Education ltl tl railroad logistics 3rd party Back In Control Recruiting Retention Commercial Motor Freight Truck Drivers CDL Start Your Own Business EBRA Game EBRAGB091856A All Rights Reserved. EBRA Truck Stop Game Subject to Rules. NO Recruiter will Contact You, Just find Ebra.
Every Truck Driver is Playing the EBRA Truck Stop Game. Ebra is a woman and you’ll be amazed once you find her, if you can?
PeopleNology for Business founder Gregory Bodenhamer - Back in Control is the Founder of Ebra. Telling her story gives every truck driver the clues needed to find her. Send a message today and in the subject line just put EBRA,
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Gregory Bodenhamer Mechanicsburg Pa 17055
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Greg Bodenhamer GB091856a
Send email for FREE EBRA Clue information
Based on the short story by Pulitzer Prize-winning author E. Annie Proulx, BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN is the tragic and moving story of two cowboys who unexpectedly fall in love while working together one summer in 1963. When the film begins, rodeo cowboy Jack Twist (Jake Gyllenhaal) and ranch-hand Ennis Del Mar (Heath Ledger) are strangers meeting for the first time. As the more outgoing one, it is Jack who must initiate a friendship with Ennis, a man so tight-lipped and self-consciously macho he refuses all facial expression. From this strained beginning, Jack and Ennis gradually begin to bond on cold, lonely nights over a fire in the mountains of Signal, Wyoming.
Gregory L Bodenhamer’s
Foundation of Nollijy America
We Will NOT Share Your Email Address - PeopleNology Greg Bodenhamer Mechanicsburg Pa 17055 PeopleNology Nollijy for Motor Freight Transportation Management - Trucking - Truck Driver Recruiting Retention Rewarding Expert Programs National Systems Easy to Understand Process Affordable Quality GB091856A Consulting Seminars Newsletters Books Workshops Executive Instruction Teaching Education ltl tl railroad logistics 3rd party Back In Control Recruiting Retention Commercial Motor Freight Truck Drivers CDL Start Your Own Business EBRA Game EBRAGB091856A All Rights Reserved. EBRA Truck Stop Game Subject to Rules. NO Recruiter will Contact You, Just find Ebra.
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