Prosperity is returning to a number of people in the United States and the growing tide of NAND North American Neighborhood Dealerships may just prove the point.
New Deal Ink and Toner Company
Prosperity can return to your personal income by using what some business journalists call “the great new retail invention” that has never truly been tried in the past.
WARNING Copyrighted Text Intellectual Property Rights Held NDITC-NAND New Deal Ink and Toner Company, Mechanicsburg Pennsylvania U.S.A 17055 All Rights Reserved International Copyrights Applied. This text cannot be re-distributed without prior written approval of NDITC Operating Management. Email NewDealInk@Live.Com Web Location www.NewDealInk.Com 2011 The NDITC New Deal Ink and Toner Company, Mechanicsburg Pennsylvania U.S.A. may be having more fun and prosperity than the people that invented the automobile, the movies, the radio and even the internet.
The original invention of personal inkjet and laser toner printers has added billions of dollars to the U.S. National wealth in the past and the future looks brighter than ever.
NDITC New Deal Ink and Toner Company, Become A Millionaire Today; Many prominent economists and business managers are still looking for that “one new invention” that will create a new industry within the United States and create millions of high paying personal income jobs.
During the last few decades American prosperity has grown by leaps and bounds as a result of American inventive genius. During the last several years each of us understand that the air has been let out of the economy and now we all struggle. Fortune 500 companies are searching the world for that one big thing that creates prosperity and wealth.
The inventive genius is not always about creating a new toaster oven, a new high flying airplane or a new safety razor that conquers the consumer markets around the world. Some of the best ideas literally are created by reworking something already in the market.
The founder of NDITC New Deal Ink and Toner Company is a Fortune 100 Specialist and over the last five or six years he has modified or adjusted the entire inkjet and toner printer cartridge market.
It was clear that billions of profitable dollars were being made by simply selling the inkjet printer cartridges and the laser toner printer cartridges. Our founders knew exactly what to alter and rework to create the first ever nationwide, privately owned, independently operated profitable chain store operation.
It also seems that NDITC may be one of the key factors in the return of prosperity to thousands of individual business owners in America and also Canada.
A very closely held NDITC NAND research and development project was financed and a careful study of the present-day inventive and industrial activity of such multi-international companies like HP Hewlett Packard, Canon, Epson, Lexmark, Dell, Brother and dozens of others revealed no revolutionary or ideal distribution channels for the manufactured printers and those little money making inkjet and toner printer cartridges known as consumables.
Also revealed were the struggling retail giants like Best Buy, Staples, Office Max, Sears, Office Depot, and even Wal-Mart had no revolutionary development on the horizon to create sales and operating profits concerning inkjet and toner printer cartridges.
No single invention appears likely to bring an end to this depression. Instead the next few years will see the return of economic prosperity through the appearance and the implementation of thousands of new business models, plans, systems that create profits that contribute to the total volume of business.
NDITC New Deal Ink and Toner Company U.S.A. has completed the comprehensive surveys and market testing that shows beyond any doubt that their NAND North American Neighborhood Dealerships covering thousands of American zip codes, all parts of the country, is a sure money maker.
Several serious attempts have been made by other companies at creating a loose coalition or inkjet printer cartridge refilling businesses but they are overwhelmingly struggling in this new global business environment.
The truth of the matter revealed through data research shows the mom-and-pop inkjet refilling and toner recharging business model neglected several key factors during their planning.
1.A simple inkjet refill does not improve the product experience to the consumer and only offers a very small economic incentive to the customer due to high operating costs of the refiller and small net margins.
2.Often times refilled inkjet cartridges fail the printer test and the first time customer never becomes a returning customer. First time customers never become that returning customer and word of mouth advertising advocate that creates growth and revenue generation. Simply forcing new ink inside a used and maybe defective cartridge is not now and will not be the magic to create gross sales and net profits for the small inkjet and toner printer cartridge refilling business.

3.The giant industry is fighting back and intends to crush or exterminate every small mom-and-pop inkjet refilling company around the world. The giant corporations made up HP Hewlett Packard, Canon, Epson, Lexmark, Dell, Brother and their retail supply chain partners Best Buy, Staples, Office Max, Sears, Office Depot, Wal-Mart, Radio Shack, BJ’s Wholesale Club, K-Mart and dozens of others were not going to sit idly by and watch their profitable business disappear from their balance sheets. Many of the national big box retailers generate 25% of their revenue by selling inkjet and toner printer cartridges and every cartridge refilled outside of their network depletes their marketing, drains their advertising budgets and diminishes their gross revenues and thus lessens their net operating profits.
4.The World Wide Web had radically changed retail markets around the world and spectacularly sparked a wave of inkjet and toner printer cartridge refillers around the world. The ability to connect with consumers and buyers around the world is now affordable and significantly puts pressure on the big box brand names and their operations.
5.The cost of a low output and unreliable inkjet refilling machine would be anywhere from $1,500 to $5,000 that required cartridge parts, bulk ink and almost constant maintenance and updating to keep up with the giant O.E.M.’s and their retail partners. The low line desk top type inkjet refilling machines offer little hope to their owners as they are not truly adaptable and cannot accommodate the ever changing O.E.M. Original Equipment Manufacturers cartridges. These rigid little inkjet refilling machines are mostly imported and then assembled inside the United States for marketing and sales to the baffled and mystified small business owners. The machine makers and their half truths cause misfortune to most refill machine owners.
6.A medium grade inkjet refilling machine cost ranges from $10,000 to $20,000 each and has the same problems as lower line refilling machines. As the machines become more expensive they tend to allow better adaptability for the refilling operations. Even with the elevated retail price of the machine they still tend to fail the continuously changing inkjet and toner printer cartridge marketplace.
7.A typical retail ready inkjet refilling machine can cost $40,000 and they require constant maintenance, continuous computer upgrades and there is no local service provider networks. The top line inkjet and toner refilling and recharging equipment intermittently fail the refilling process and require constant and regular maintenance and services. The continual computer program upgrades required forces the machine owner to constantly pay for upgrades and repairs.
8.High retail space leasing or rental costs for a main street retail location is recurring monthly and much too high of a price to allow profitability and insurance, employee training and turnover and low quality output plaques the small inkjet and toner refilling recharging business. The continual expenses of leases and rents, property and content insurance, workman’s comprehensive insurance premiums, associate training and turnover, energy expenses, machines, cartridge supplies and parts, test printers, displays and store signs, outside media radio advertising, direct mail advertising and other expensive components such as franchise fees, management fees, advertising fees create negative cash flow very quickly, within months of the grand opening.
9.Low volume sales continue to plaque the mom-and-pop inkjet laser toner printer cartridge after-market and do not create enough revenue to support the cost structure of the business. A small business spending thousands of dollars per month to maintain their retail location and systems might only have 4 to 7 inkjet cartridges to refill per operating day. Promoters of franchise units and advocates of inkjet refilling machines and toner recharging machines continue to sell the dream of creating wealth by simply refilling inkjet cartridges.
10. The real hard facts today is that most inkjet and toner printer cartridge consumers still spend their money at the big box retail stores. The retailers have fundamentally locked up the inkjet and toner printer cartridge market and are spending millions of dollars each week to and in actual fact lock out the small mom-and-pop inkjet and toner refilling operator. Broadly the O.E.M. giants and their big box giant retailers are winning today but their long term viability is not as healthy-looking watching their reported financial performances. Many cracks in their supply chain are splintering bib box retailer customers and profits between more and more operators. Even a small town mom-and-pop inkjet refilling operation finishing a couple of dozen cartridges per week causes another hairline fracture in the big box giant retailer plans always lowering their gross profits and net income.
11. Franchise operators must continue to pay $100,000 to $250,000 franchise fees to start their own inkjet refilling business. The initial franchise fee is only the beginning as Advertising fees, Maintenance fees, Management fees, Gross Sales Royalty fees and other expenses cause great harm to the small business owner. The franchise dream of paying another company hard earned money, month after month, year after year that permits you or charters your franchise business is a poor deal for the small business owner. The franchise has no consumer or marketplace authorization to do or say anything, it’s simply their plan that may or may not work.
12. The small business owner is forced into longer and longer operating hours and at the end of the day is mostly losing money month after month after spending their life savings and borrowing thousands of dollars, mortgaging their homes and other risky financial dealings to try their best to stay in business. The inkjet and toner printer cartridge business can be a real life money maker but it takes a New Deal Ink and Toner Company to create the new formulated business model.
13. Major retailers are playing to win and they’ve created what many experts consider a scheme at best or a swindle at worst that they call recycling rewards for customers for bringing their used and empty cartridges to their stores for ultimate destruction. The conspiracy plot is very simple and also very legal, even though unethical. After the consumer pays the highest retail price the same consumer returns the empty and now used inkjet or toner cartridge. The big box major retailer gives the consumer, in exchange for the used cartridge, a store credit type reward that has little true purchasing value. The used cartridge is destroyed and never to be seen again. The consumer is forced to buy another high retail priced cartridge and the cycle begins again.
14. Major O.E.M. Original Equipment Manufacturing Companies are taking direct and nasty international legal actions against compatible cartridge makers around the world for exclusive right patent infringements and their winning in court.
The NDITC-NAND research and development data clearly shows that the manufacturers are defending their market-share around the world and their giant retail partners are more than willing to help wipe out and devastate the mom-and-pop inkjet and toner printer cartridge refilling market. At this point in time the O.E.M.’s have caused considerable damage and surely plan to wreck the entire refill industry.
With a true pioneering spirit the Founder of NDITC has created or devised a business model and system that defeats and overcomes every obstacle that has been discovered within the market today.
With practical actions the New Deal Ink and Toner Company (NDITC) (NAND), Mechanicsburg Pennsylvania U.S.A. has already triumphed over these worldwide competitors and success is at hand.
There is a new era of prosperity within the inkjet and toner printer cartridge market and it was created by our Fortune 100 Specialist Founder and is winning larger portions of the market every day.
Your prosperity depends upon the circulation of money to your business which depends totally on the consumer’s satisfaction and confidence in the quality performance of the inkjet and toner printer cartridges.
Holding down costs and eliminating overhead expenses, employee/associate costs, removing machine and technology requirements combined and blended with Fortune 100 Expert Small Business Planning merge within the NDITC NAND systems and designs.
The largest get together in America starts with New Deal
NDITC New Deal Ink and Toner Company U.S.A. has created the NAND North American Neighborhood Dealership program which allows honest men and women to enter the inkjet and printer cartridge re-manufacturing market with practically no cash or credit investments effectively creating gross profits in effect on day one.
NDITC clients and NAND dealerships are never compelled to buy any machines or pay unreasonable fees as the NDITC-NAND systems and designs are so attractive and valuable the expansion of the NDITC-NAND program has now extended across almost every state in America and reaches into Canada. In fact, the small business inkjet and toner printer cartridge systems are now being held away from the European markets after hundreds of requests for NDITC services because our concentration is to build individual American wealth and prosperity all across our land using the free enterprise capitalistic system.
As the NDITC-NAND network expands the circulation of money to our dealerships, creating profits, efforts and actions are being increased by intensifying national advertising to drive cash business into the dealerships. NDITC-NAND continues to offer a broad range of products and services that allow our NAND independent dealerships to increase their gross and net profits.
By creating a flood of new products within the inkjet and toner printer cartridge market, office supply market, office and organizational services the NDITC-NAND network is efficiently expanding rapidly creating benefits to the NAND network and their customer/consumer base.
Every NDITC-NAND North American Neighborhood Dealership is sovereign and privately owned and operated within very specific zip code marketing areas. The NAND dealership is self-governing, self-determining and also self-regulating which creates a world of profit opportunities for the small business owner.
NDITC New Deal Ink and Toner Company has found a ready market within the small business community for our business plans and designs because you can operate as an Home Based Business or a Commercial Main Street Business without all the expenses, infrastructure costs, personnel costs and you never need a lawyer or any equipment other than a personal computer.
Liberated Individuals create a Free Market Success Story- Without Machines or Store Front Rents.
NDITC has supported financially the development of the American Re-Manufacturing Factory base to help construct an American Re-Manufacturing Factory Network of inkjet and toner printer cartridge facilities that can bring back to full industrial life any used inkjet and toner printer cartridge. Our NDITC-NAND plan is really the literal opposite plan of the O.E.M. group and their big box retail partners. We parallel the O.E.M. group and their supply chain retail partners in the market except we rescue and recover the high quality used inkjet cartridges and have them re-manufactured and returned to new condition for a fraction of the O.E.M. retail prices.
The O.E.M. and big box retail partners collect and destroy the used cartridge that can be used again and again using proper and accurate re-manufacturing techniques and systems. This gold mine is very real in America and hundreds of people contact NDITC every month requesting free registration and further information.
The O.E.M.’s and their giant Retail Partners are spending millions of dollars collecting and destroying the used and empty inkjet and toner printer cartridges. The NDITC-NAND networks have developed our own systems and process to gather the top rated high quality printer cartridges from around the world.
With enhanced technology and advanced equipment the American Re-Manufacturing Factory Network can now re-produce the exact O.E.M. quality inkjet or toner printer cartridge for a fraction of the original manufacturing price and it’s all completed with American workers inside American factories.
We also have the Supreme Court of the United States of America on the side of NDITC-NAND that has already ruled that once any consumer buys an inkjet or toner printer cartridge it becomes (private property) and the consumer can do anything they want with their property. This creates far reaching money making honest business opportunity for NDITC-NAND clients and dealerships across North America.
New and improved technology and manufacturing equipment with solid definite improvements in process quality and finished product quality with supply chain enhancements puts the American Re-Manufacturing Factory in first place in a readymade money making marketplace.
The overall market (consumers) now operate an estimated 225 million printers inside America and the NDITC-NAND manufacturers and marketing plans have stimulated a tremendous demand from the buying public.
The NDITC-NAND New Deal Ink and Toner Company and our North American Neighborhood Dealership programs completed our New Products Conference recently attracting suppliers and American Re-Manufacturing Factory Network Providers from around the country. Representatives from around America have connected electronically and have united together to grow and prosper the inkjet and toner printer cartridge market.
The NDITC-NAND Fortune 100 Management Team has the small business (Home Based or Commercial) solutions and they were reviewed and discussed by experts with invited manufacturers, supply chain partners, technology experts, transportation providers, marketing specialists and skilled sales people from around the United States of America. The overall response was overwhelming as it clearly celebrated that NDITC New Deal Ink and Toner Company is the leading consulting and management company in the U.S. concerning inkjet and toner printer cartridges.
Inkjet and Toner Printer Cartridge Manufacturing Companies outside of the O.E.M. Original Equipment Manufacturing companies and without any assistance of giant retailers NDITC has moved past the novelty idea to a high value money making small business plans systems and designs.
If you would like more information please feel free to contact and discover the company that specializes in your small business fortunes, improvements and innovations all across America. WARNING Copyrighted Text Intellectual Property Rights Held NDITC-NAND New Deal Ink and Toner Company, Mechanicsburg Pennsylvania U.S.A 17055 All Rights Reserved International Copyrights Applied. This text cannot be re-distributed without prior written approval of NDITC Operating Management. Email NewDealInk@Live.Com Web Location www.NewDealInk.Com 2011 The New Deal Ink and Toner Company clients and North American Neighborhood Dealerships enjoy the constant improvements and innovations that our group creates and distributes to the network.
When interviewed recently, the founder of New Deal Ink and Toner Company and creator of the North American Neighborhood Dealership network were asked about the great success within the inkjet and toner printer cartridge business, without machines, without lawyers and without expensive store fronts or franchising fees.
“Our company NDITC has created more innovations, changes, and improvements in the inkjet and toner printer cartridge business in the last couple of years than the whole O.E.M. industry in the last decade.”
“Our company NDITC can source a brand new factory direct inkjet printer cartridge for one dollar.” “This same cartridge sells for $25.00 at Staples, Office Max and Office Depot.” “Our purpose in life is to create a national chain store operation, self-supporting and privately owned to create value for the inkjet and toner cartridge buyer and wealth for the NDITC NAND dealership owner.”
“We’re (NDITC) are reporting record numbers for further information from around the United States which clearly indicates that our North American Neighborhood Dealerships are working and creating profits for their owners. This keen interest has been growing for a couple of years now in connection with our new and improved inkjet and toner printer cartridge small business plans, systems, designs, workbooks, guides and directories.”
“Our New Deal Ink and Toner Company Plan 1302 is offered free to registered people around the country. It’s always been free of any charges and it gives people with no experience a chance to explore with their own real-life, micro inkjet and toner printer cartridge business, without any fees or charges. The NDITC Plan 1302 is a rehearsal plan so our newest clients can investigate the money making opportunity without any money and you don’t even need a credit card.
“Everybody wants to find out the secrets about our useful products and processes and you should know that they’re reserved for registered clients under our contract terms.”
“Free registration shows no signs of slackening despite this recession we’re in today. We’re helping people get back to work, own their own business and creating their own success stories. We promised to give away 43,000 free plans 1302 to help people get back on their feet. We’re zip code driven so we hold home based zip codes for 15 days for free while people decide if the business is right for them and their families.”