We told people years ago that Staples Inc. would fail and now they're closing hundreds of stores and shrinking their footprint in the office supply business. They want smaller stores, less stores and the inkjet and toner cartridge business won't save them anymore. They're selling brooms, coffee, candy, boxes and chairs but they have lost their foothold in the market, they have lost their way.
The big players, the global players, Office Depot, Staples, Wal-Mart, Best Buy and HP Hewlett Packard, Canon, Epson, Lexmark, Dell, Brother and a dozen more have been convicted by public opinion by being globalization pirates.
"The Pedigree Plans" were taken over by globalization which is your way to wealth. NDITC will teach you the history of the business and share with you the money making vision we have for you and your family.
If you're unemployed or under-employed you have found your solution to your income problem. The sunshine will shine in the morning because we'll help any honest person start their own inkjet and toner cartridge business for free, and we mean free forever.
Outside of your home, there are millions of dollars of cash money waiting to be picked up. I know it sounds remarkable but we shall prove to you everything we say is true and will work for you.
Visit your friends,
We're going to teach you the insider secrets of the inkjet and toner cartridge business. The leader of the industry is HP Hewlett Packard and the leading retailer is Staples Inc., all you do is follow the plan that leads to the money.
Section 1 Printer Placement
Hewlett Packard is the leading O.E.M. Original Equipment Printer and Cartridge Manufacturer in the World. Their Market Share of (44%) is your key to wealth and prosperity. Every printer they sell is a cartridge customer for you.
Section 2 HP Annual Revenue & Profits
HP is one of the largest companies in the world. In the 2010 accounting year HP produced over 126 Billion dollars in Sales and almost 9 Billion dollar in after-tax profits. Major cartridge retailers like Staples and Office Depot have their profit forecasts tied directly to printer, copier, fax and cash register machine sales.
Section 3 HP Imaging & Printing Group
HP wealth is provided by the (IPG) group. 69% of total sales are generated by inkjet and toner printer cartridges. The Cash-Cow of Hp is clearly inkjet and toner cartridges. You can forget about printers because the cash profits are within the cartridge business.
Section 4 HP Overall Performance
The HP company outperforms the entire S-P Technology sector which includes other super successful companies like I.B.M. and CISCO Companies. The best of the best.
Section 5 HP Cartridge Money Pool
Without HP Inkjet and Toner Printer Cartridge Profits the performance of the HP company would fail. NDITC New Deal Ink & Toner Company draws revenue and profits from the HP (IPG) Imaging & Printing Group through specialized consulting and manufacturing.
Section 6 HP Innovation & Patent Position
Small inkjet toner refilling operations are obstructed from profits and growth by the HP patent initiatives that constantly introduce printer and cartridge changes.
Section 7 U.S. Paper Consumption Rates
The Paper Consumption Rates continue to show that home and office printing technology use continues to grow. Over 220 million printers are in use today in America.
Section 8 China Production & Cost Structure
HP continues to utilize China as a main manufacturing base to produce printers, inkjet and laser toner printer cartridges to be imported cheaply into the U.S. Consumer markets.
Section 9 Retail Ink Prices Continue To Rise
The major O.E.M.’s specifically HP and Lexmark continue to charge high prices for ink to maintain their profit margins. Cartridges now have less ink thus higher profit margins.
Section 10 Remanufacturing Replaces Refilling
The local Refilling Operations Fail as Remanufacturing Replaces Refilling. The secondary factories that Remanufacture the Entire Cartridge Maintains Quality, Prices and Services. NDITC clients and dealerships find their fortunes within the Remanufacturing Group which is now replacing the locally own refill refilling business around the country.
We're Not Trying To Sell You Any Type Of
Ink Cartridge Refilling Machines,
We're Not Trying To Sell You
Inkjet Or Toner Cartridges
We're Offering You The Best Known,
Most Widely Accepted Ink and Toner
Cartridge Business Planning
We're Small Business Consultants