Obtaining is very easy.
Maintaining is very hard and expensive.
The business plan that makes you poor or could make you rich.
New Deal Ink and Toner Company
275 Cumberland Parkway # 157
Mechanicsburg, Pa 17055
Eliminating the printer manufacturing company from the printer customer seems to be the answer. The manufacturer has all the resources, experiences and money to develop and bring to market remarkable printing technology. To take a look at their big dream, it gets a little dark, at time even black. You can hand a clerk at a discount store less than thirty dollars and walk out with a brand new Hewlett Packard color inkjet printer.
The founder of our company, Gregory Bodenhamer New Deal Ink and Toner Company, Mechanicsburg, Pa 17055, started to research the big retailers and manufacturers several years ago. He found the best way to do this was to go directly work for a Fortune 500 company that was directly in the computer, printer, consumable, inkjet, toner cartridge business among other things.
He had the unique opportunity to look inside the big dream, the big plan, the buying and selling of technology like computers, printers, copiers, toner cartridges, inkjet cartridges and everything else you might need for your home business or even another Fortune 500 company.
Yes, he was surprised and he learned more than the hearts desire. He discovered exactly what he wanted to know. Some things just confirmed what he originally thought, yes, they had a lot of money, engineers, managers and a great deal of inventory, across the nation, stacked higher than you can imagine.
One thing that he couldn’t find was a factual bargain. A real, genuine and actual bargain would be the farmer selling one perfect red apple for a dime compared to the next farmer selling a similar apple, from the same tree, for say one dollar. He could not find a valid or authentic value to the consumer other than some discount off the dedicated and firm manufacturers suggested retail price.
“Printer and inkjet or laser cartridge manufacturers require a great deal of resources to produce and distribute your favorite printer and inkjet cartridge. They found their profit opportunity within the inkjet ink cartridge and toner cartridge business. To realize how much wealth they already have you can look in two places. Check the stock market and count the dollars or try to compete with them and land up in court for the rest of your life, I suppose.”
Joyce Dorothy Parker Ph.D.
The inspiration for the entire business is becoming clear, you wanted to print your posters, workbooks and family pictures in full living color and never leave home, or maybe major companies invented the color inkjet printer and then persuaded millions of people, people just like you, through advertising, pushing cheap printer and copier machines, plug and play technology and created you as a customer with the help of their supply chain retail partners.
“How much more wealth the supply chain can create is becoming a very serious question. The rightful place for a sincere value still remains with the end user or what you and I call the customer. The printer makers, the cartridge makers and their selling partners do not remember to appreciate and be grateful for their customers. Other people and their companies, like Gregory Bodenhamer, New Deal Ink and Toner Company have clearly discovered the cycle of wealth that printer makers and inkjet makers have created and sustained.” “New Deal doesn’t want to create the next best printer” “New Deal Ink and Toner, when you read the name, says a lot. They wanted to create the New Inkjet cartridge customer.” “The founder wanted his own factory”
Joyce Dorothy Parker Ph.D.
It seems that your luxury comes as a guest. You will buy expensive ink or you will not enjoy the printer technology of the day. The manufacturers gave you the luxury you wanted, the royal colors you demanded and you’ve become the great collector of full color prints, you own greeting cards, booklets for work and even your own business and dating cards. It seems sitting on top of every desk in every cubicle there is a printer. Why have desktop computers without a printer? Why have printers unless you can print color? Why not make millions and millions of needless prints when the boss isn’t looking? Why not have some of these amazing technologies at home?
“If, every American family, would simply purchase their inkjet O.E.M. printer cartridges from New Deal Ink & Toner Company Mechanicsburg Pa 17055 the total savings would correct the national economic housing problem” “I know it sounds silly but, if you are buying name branded inkjet cartridges from the name branded retailers, my research proves you’re getting ripped off big time.”
Joyce Dorothy Parker Ph.D.
You remember Fotomat, drop your roll of film off at their little parking lot building and the next day your picture prints, photographic prints, were ready to be picked up and enjoyed. One hour photo processing changed all that, big companies, little mom and pop shops sprang up by the thousands. Drop your film roll off and in one hour or less, you were looking at your full color prints, at the higher prices.
Major retailers like C.V.S. pharmacy, Walgreens and many others sold you prints, by the hundreds of billions, one hour photo print services and it was a great success. Then the digital camera.
“The retailers, like national pharmacy companies, are running away and shutting down their one hour photo processing operations, as quickly as possible. They take up a lot of room inside their retail stores and they don’t have any customers.” “American consumers no longer use film and they sure don’t use one hour photo services. It’s a junk business with no profits, but believe me; these big retailers have a plan. Are you ready for their next step to your wallet? They’ve jumped head long into something they don’t understand and their results show it. The big boy Walgreens is actually refilling inkjet ink cartridges, with little success so far, let me explain.”
Joyce Dorothy Parker Ph.D.
You didn’t buy Kodak film any more. In fact, you didn’t even use photo film any more. You took your pictures with a digital camera and started to print your own color prints on your very own digital color inkjet cartridge printer. Now, you’ve bought (printers) by the tens of millions and along with the inkjet printers you purchased billions of inkjet ink cartridges and Kodak almost went broke.
You have inherited a kingdom of technology, sitting right at home or in your office at work; this kingdom of printer technology requires a great deal of maintenance.
When you honestly look at maintaining your color inkjet printer at home it’s going to cost you a fortune. The foremost printer and copier producers, you know the names, Apple, Brother, Canon, Dell, Epson, Hewlett Packard (HP), I.B.M., Kyocera, Lexmark, Minolta, Mita, NEC, Okidata, Panasonic, Pitney Bowes, QMS, Ricoh, Samsung, Sharp, Tektronix, Toshiba, Xerox will just above give you a home or small office/business printer, copier, fax and scanner machine.
“Most recently Wal-mart has been having a super sale on Hewlett Packard printers and this inkjet color printer retails for $29.99.” “This is really the king of printers setting you up to buy their expensive ink. The inkjet ink cartridges costs more than the printer. Your color luxury is coming as a guest into your home, now you get to feed it. Consumers have become printer and inkjet ink cartridge slaves. If you could get rid of every printer in the homes of Americans each home would save from $200.00 to $300.00 per year. If you walk down your own street and count every other home they have an inkjet printer inside. The little business on the corner spends just about $750.00 per year on their own printer satisfaction and luxury.”
Joyce Dorothy Parker Ph.D.
These companies, you might know, use very few American workers and all of their products are manufactured overseas, the term is cheap labor, and then they import their own products back into the United States and put them on the market for you to buy. They retail to you through their supply chain partners like Wal-mart, Best Buy, Target, Office Depot, Staples, Office Max and other national players and you snap them up like hot cakes.
Major manufacturing companies and their supply chain partners do most things contrary to their customers and only make choices that contribute to their own wealth and prosperity. In order to be wealthier, they have to get more money from you almost any way they can.
“The manufacturing printer base, in my opinion is corrupt. Corrupt not in the dishonest way, or the crooked way but maybe in the shady way. It is true they have invested millions but they have also taken billions by harming their manufacturing base workers and their customers.” “I’m confident that they would argue that their foreign workers are better off now then they were before. It’s the two bowls of rice vs. only one bowl of rice economic theory that rich people use to explain their individual wealth. It’s the poor average worker being less poor as the printer and cartridge makers become very wealthy idea.” “The American consumer, the world consumer for that matter, went to the stores with their eyes wide open and bought the cheap printer and the expensive inkjet ink. The printer makers knew something that you could have never really known; having a printer is like having a child; they require a 24 hour a day, 7 day a week commitment for several years concerning food and ink, not to mention regular paper and even photo paper. Consumers have started to look at their printers from different angles. One big angle, how much does the ink cost and where can I buy some bargain.”
Joyce Dorothy Parker Ph.D.
Once you have something, like an inkjet printer, you inherited everything that came before it and everything that will come after it. To maintain your royal splendor of color you go to Wal-mart, Best buy and Target and scoop up inkjet ink cartridges by the tens of millions. Any when you buy the brand names of ink you are paying the absolute lofty price that they created for each of their customers. From top to bottom all the manufacturing companies do the same thing. Almost give you a cheap price printer and sell you an elevated retail priced inkjet ink cartridge.
Now, they have created your habits. Give you a cheap printer and sell you high priced inkjet cartridges. Customers, just like you, have stopped getting satisfaction from their home inkjet printers. You boss hates the LaserJet toner copier and printers at work, they cost more than you do. Everybody hates the high prices of inkjet ink cartridges, LaserJet toner print and copier cartridges, everybody includes you.
New Deal Ink & Toner Company understands that people want to save a great deal of money on their inkjet and LaserJet cartridges. We’ve created the economic relationship so you can do this very thing; our wholesale direct to the public warehouse is the new idea we call the new deal.
You can write us at NewWay@Live.com and we’ll send you our wholesale cartridge catalog.
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